VPN клиенты для протоколов обфускации
VPN клиенты для протоколов обфускации
v2rayN - A GUI client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core and others
Скачать нужно v2rayN-With-Core.zip по ссылке https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases Например, по ссылке https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases/download/6.27/v2rayN-With-Core.zip + Попросит доустановить windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.16-win-x64 - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.16-windows-x64-installer?cid=getdotnetcore Умеет TUN — для этого надо запускать его от имени Администратора и внизу окна программы появится переключатель Enable TUN
По-умолчанию, язык интерфейса программы на китайском. Поменять можно справа сверху - троеточие:
Invisible Man XRay - an open-source and free client that supports xray core
Скачать последнюю версию под Windows: https://github.com/InvisibleManVPN/InvisibleMan-XRayClient/releases/ - InvisibleManXRay-x64.zip
V2rayU - клиент под MAC OS X:
https://github.com/yanue/V2rayU/tree/master v2rayXS - его форк.
NekoRay- Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: v2ray / sing-box)
Support Windows / Linux out of the box now https://github.com/MatsuriDayo/nekoray Скачать клиенты для Windows/Linux можно тут https://github.com/MatsuriDayo/nekoray/releases
FoXray - A Client Focusing on Xray для IPHONE:
v2rayA - v2rayA is a V2Ray Linux client supporting global transparent proxy, compatible with SS, SSR, Trojan(trojan-go), Juicity protocols
https://github.com/v2rayA/v2rayA https://v2raya.org/en/
SagerNet - Клиент для Android - поддерживает протоколы vmess/vless/trojan/ss и другие:
v2rayNG - Клиент для Android - поддерживает протоколы vmess/vless/trojan/ss и другие:
Surfboard - Клиент для Android - поддерживает протоколы http/https/socks5/socks5-tls/shadowsocks/vmess/trojan proxy:
V2Box - V2ray Client - Клиент для IPHONE:
Streisand - клиент для IOS:
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/streisand/id6450534064 Key features: 1. Rule-based Proxy Setup. 2. Compatibility with Various Protocols. 3. Custom DNS Support. Supported Protocols: - VLESS(Reality) - VMess - Trojan - Shadowsocks - Socks - SSH - Hysteria - TUIC
Clash Verge - клиент для Windows, MacOS X, Linux:
https://github.com/zzzgydi/clash-verge https://clashios.com/clash-for-windows-tutorial/ Есть Clash Verge форк от обычного Clash. Вроде оба поддерживают TUN режим, для винды особенно актуально чтобы не настраивать прокси в приложениях, а не все приложения используют системные прокси
Shadowrocket - платный клиент для iphone/ios/ipad:
https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/shadowrocket/id932747118 - Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy server. - Record and display HTTP, HTTPS, DNS requests from your iOS devices. - Configure rules using domain match, domain suffix, domain keyword, CIDR IP range, and/or GeoIP lookup. - Measure traffic usage and network speed on WiFi, cellular, direct and proxy connections. - Import rule files from URL or iCloud Drive. - Block ads by domain, user agent rules. - Local DNS Mapping. - Work on cellular networks. - Decrypt HTTPS traffic. - Perform URL rewrite. - Fully IPv6 supports. - Script filter supports. - Multi-level forward proxy. - Support kcptun, cloak, gost, v2ray plugins. - Support DNS over HTTTPS, DNS over TLS, DNS over QUIC.
Stash - платный клиент для iphone/ios/ipad:
https://apps.apple.com/app/stash/id1596063349 - Handle TCP / UDP / ICMP traffic and forward to any proxy server - Route traffic to different endpoint by rule of domain, IP-CIDR, or User-Agent - Support DNS over TCP / DNS over TLS / DNS over HTTPS - Native UI dashboard to display HTTP / HTTPS / TCP request - Support for Rewriting HTTP(S) requests using JavaScript - Decrypt HTTPS traffic with Man-in-the-Middle - Support for URL Rewrite - Fully IPv6 supports - Builtin DNS server with hostname mapping - Support for overriding some of the settings of the current configuration file using Override
ShadowLink - shadowsocks proxy SS, Trojan, V2ray, Vmess Tool
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shadowlink-shadowsocks-vpn/id1439686518 Features: - Support for adding custom servers proxy (Shadowsocks, v2ray, trojan, openVPN) - Multiple encryption protocol support, AES-128-GCM, AES-192-GCM, AES-256-GCM, Chacha20-IETF, Chacha20 - ietf - poly1305, xchacha20 ietf -- poly1305 - Provide high-speed VPN servers all over the world - Stealth and stable, no need to log in and register, easy to use - Does not save any user log information - Provide high-speed VPN servers all over the world - Wi-Fi Security when using Public Hotspots - Protect your network IP and privacy security - Unmatched network speed and performance